Evaluation of routine monitoring


For evalustion of the first routine monitoring value, please go from the "Measuring data" window to the "Evaluation" window. Please make sure that the correct person is indicated in the heading of the window.


Please select at first the involved radionuclide via the pull-down menu. In this case there is only Am-241 in the list because Dr. Taylor is handling no other radionuclides.


Next shot: In many cases Am-241 is part of a nuclide mixture. So IDEAplus lists in the pull-down menu all mixtures containing Am-241 from the database (these mixtures have been entered in the German version and thus labelled in German, sorry for that). In the actual case we don't have a mixture and so you should select "Single radionuclide".


Next shot: After having marked and selected the value to be evaluated, IDEAplus asks for the earliest time of intake. This could be either the begin of monitoring or one day after last detected intake of Am-241. In this case IDEAplus suggests the begin of monitoring.


Next shot: After confirmation of the earliest time of intake IDEAplus gives the information that there are no records of previous intakes of Am-241.


Next shot: Now you may select the "Eavaluation procedure". More details about the various evalution procedures you may find in the "Structured approach" of the "IDEAS Guidelines". In this case you don't have any information about the intake conditions and so you should select  the reference procedure: "Standard (Level 1; default parameters)". In this procedure reference parameters are applied as given in the window "Reference parameters", i.e. it is assumed that there had been a single intake by inhalation of type M material with 5 µm AMAD particle size in the middle of the monitoring interval (01.04.2000).


Next shot: After selection of the evaluation procedure, you see a more detailed compilation of all evaluation parameters (so you see in the "Materials" window that the fA-factor is 1E-4 which is typical for Am-241 oxide and chloride).


Next shot: After having started the evaluation, the software informs that there is a new intake (in this case this conclusion is trivial but there are other cases where things are not that obvious...)


Next shot: After confirmation of the information you get the results of the evaluation. In the lower part of the screen you see the numerical results:


Next shot: In the left part of the window you see the intake parameters and most important dose values, i.e. the effective dose and the dose of the most exposed organ/tissue. In the right part of the window you see detailed information about the effective dose and the doses of all relevant organ and tissues (please note that for the organ and tissue doses the dose coefficients for females have been applied. The lists the absolute dose values in Sv and the relative dose values with respect to the respective dose limit. So you see that the effective dose and doses to the liver, bone surface and the extrathoracic (ET) airways  are above the limits (the respective lines are indicated in red). The doses to the bone marrow, lungs and ovaries are above 30 % of the respective limits, i.e. above the investigation level. The results are shortly summarized in the text window and some suggestions are given for the next steps. You may prepare a report about the evaluation (the template is still in German, sorry for that, but you can easily edit the template and adjust it according to your wishes). You may store or cancel the evaluation. In this case you should store the evaluation because it is the best what you can do at this stage.


Next shot: For illustration you see a plot of the adjusted excretion function together with the measured value used for evaluation. The time scale is related to the begin of monitoring. You may change the plot from linear to logarithmic scales via the buttons in the heading. In addition you may shift or expand the scales for further information.


Last shot: In the background of your screen you may find a Window with a compilation of all relevant results of the evaluation including the data used for evaluation and the time and the operator of the evaluation.























Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Richard Doerfel

IDEA System GmbH, Am Burgweg 4, D-76227 Karlsruhe, Germany.

E-Mail: info@idea-system.com